Automated Attendance
Automated Attendance Reporting
What does that mean for parents?
Absences and late arrivals must be reported using the new 1-877 number or the web portal. Letting the teacher or office know of an absence or late arrival is not sufficient, you MUST call the 1-877 number or report online using the web attendance portal.
Absences and late arrivals must to be reported by 8:45 am.
The attendance reporting phone number is 1-877-409-6310. Be sure to listen to the prompts all the way through until you to receive a confirmation #. If you hang up prior to receiving this #, the absence is not reported.
Absences can also be reported using the online portal: or download HDSB Mobile app (available for download from the App Store and Google Play)
Set the phone # and/or web portal as a favorite on your phone and/or home or office computer. If using the web portal for reporting, you may also access any phone or email messages sent by the school or the Board, e.g. hot lunch deadline reminders, school closure information, etc.
Should you prefer the on-line reporting method, you will have received an email with a login and password. Please follow the instructions to register your online reporting account.
The system is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and future absences and late arrivals, e.g. Orthodontist appointments, vacation, hockey tournaments, etc., can be reported at any time as soon as known.
If you have two students in the same school, you MUST call in an absence from a recognized phone number (home number or unblocked cell phone).