As of January 20th, 2025 Tecumseh will be accepting registrations for Junior (Year 1) and Senior (Year 2) Kindergarten for September 2025. Please know that if your child already attends Tecumseh in JK, you do not need to register for SK.
Registration forms are available online on the Registering for Kindergarten webpage on the HDSB website (
To determine if Tecumseh is your home school, use the Find My Local School tool on the HDSB website.
Families should contact the HDSB Welcome Centre to book an appointment if they hold a work permit and are registering their child with the HDSB for the first time, or if either the parent or child has a Study Permit/Visa, or the parent is a Permanent Resident applicant on visitor status.
Please have the following original documents when registering:
Proof of address (any two of the following current documents): lease or deed, car registration, utility bill, residential telephone bill, moving bill, property tax bill, bank statement, credit card statement, correspondence with a government agency
Proof of age: birth certificate or passport or baptismal/faith record for your child
Proof of citizenship: birth certificate or passport, Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Permanent Resident card
If you are not the child’s parent, or if you have sole custody, please bring proof of custody (court order).
To register to begin school in Fall 2025, Junior Kindergarten (Year 1) children must be four years old by Dec. 31, 2025, and Senior Kindergarten (Year 2) children must be five years old by Dec. 31, 2025.
To learn more about the Halton District School Board’s Kindergarten Program, visit the HDSB website at (search: Kindergarten).
At, future students can explore a Kindergarten classroom to see what their classroom might look like next September. There are videos to watch, pictures to view and fun activities for kids. Parents/guardians can learn about the Kindergarten program at the HDSB, play-based learning, community resources in Halton and before-and-after school care. Families can also sign-up to receive a welcome package from the HDSB including a free children’s book.
Parents/guardians who require language assistance to register their child for school can contact the Halton Multicultural Council at (905) 842-2486.
Parents/guardians who require accessibility accommodations to register their child for school can contact the office.